Best superfood and superdrinks


Superfood – you have probably heard of this new word everybody’s been mentioning lately, right? Well, nutritionally speaking, there is no such thing as a superfood, BUT to put it in layman’s terms, it is any nutrient-rich food considered beneficial for human health and general well-being. However, keep in mind that the term was coined for marketing purposes to influence the newest food trends and to improve product selling and not because it will do magic to your body and mind. It’s really important to understand that there is no single food which is key to a good health condition, but as the term itself is not going anywhere anytime soon, let’s take a closer look at some foods and drinks which may be worthy of the name!


1) Quinoa

Despite often being classified as a grain, quinoa is actually a seed. Growing in South America for over a thousand years, it is one of the oldest superfoods. With its nutty flavor and way of preparation like a grain, it is a perfect base for gluten-free bowls and salads. Another option for you is to mill the seed into a flour and bake amazing gluten-free cookies. Sounds good and healthy, doesn’t it? But that’s not all – other than being gluten-free, quinoa is high in protein and one of only a few plant foods that contain all 20 amino acids, including 10 essential ones our body does not produce by itself. This amazing food is prepared in less than 15 minutes is a complete protein source ideal for people following a vegetarian or vegan diet. There are three main types of quinoa – white, red and black, each of which is loaded with many important nutrients, including bioactive substances quercetin and kaempferol that have been shown to have anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-cancer and anti-depressant effects.

Nutritional value (per cup):

Calories: 229

Fat: 3.55g

Protein: 8.01g

Carbohydrates: 42.17g

2) Cacao nibs

Seeds from the fruit of cacao trees are slightly bitter in taste, but also bold in flavor. They add wonderful taste and texture to oatmeal, smoothies, cookies and much more. Organic, raw cacao abounds in a variety of phytonutrients, including sulfur, magnesium which is the key to muscle and nerve function, and phenylethylamine. Apart from focus and alertness, these characteristics keep us in a great mood as well. Cacao nibs have more antioxidants than tea, wine, and many berries, but what makes it a top-class superfood is the flavonoids, found in most fruits and vegetables. If that’s not enough to add cacao nibs to your daily routine, keep in mind that they are a great source of fiber, iron thus preventing anemia and calcium, prevent premature aging and promote skin health. Above all that, they are super-delicious and they can even help you lose weight – it is true that cacao is high in fat and calories, but if you eat pure cacao or cacao nibs, you can get lots of fiber, which makes you feel fuller.

Nutritional value (1 oz):

Calories: 130

Fat: 12g

Protein: 4g

Carbohydrates: 10g

3) Chia seeds

Originating from Mexico and Guatemala, chia seeds look similar to sesame seeds and for their nutritional values act as the star ingredient in many healthy recipes, from protein bars to smoothies. These delicious seeds are easy to digest and offer quite a list of important nutrients, such as fiber responsible for regularity and stool frequency increase in order to prevent constipation, protein, calcium, and manganese. The high amount of antioxidants which fight free radical damage and prevent oxidative stress while promoting tissue repair and protecting against skin damage supports healthy skincare and that’s far from all – the tasty seeds are often used by athletes for carb-loading that helps maximize the storage of glycogen in the muscles and liver to boost energy and exercise performance. Also, the protein in chia seeds helps build muscle mass and increase strength to help fuel your workouts. It is also a great food if you are pregnant as a great source of Omega-3s, which is vital for brain development in babies. And the list goes on and on…

Nutritional value (1 tbsp):

Calories: 60

Fat: 5g

Protein: 2g

Carbohydrates: 5g

4) Almonds

When late-night cravings attack, resist your temptations and don’t reach for something sweet or greasy. Almonds are a healthy alternative that will help you satisfy your hunger and boost your energy between meals. Once avoided due to their high-fat content, almonds are back on the ‘superfood’ scene and, apart from being easy to include in your diet (watch on the portion size though), have been proven to reduce the risks of heart disease and diabetes, as well as to help lower bad cholesterol. High in vitamin E antioxidants and natural oils that reduce the signs of aging like wrinkles and sagging skin, as well as magnesium improving blood flow, almonds are also a natural source of 15 nutrients, including healthy fats and plant proteins which justifies their nickname ‘a powerhouse of nutrition and energy’. And as a cherry on top – almonds help you lose weight without starving yourself. Just follow the example of one of the people who added a daily dose of almonds (10 pieces) to a low-cal diet and lost more weight than people who followed the same diet but ate a carb-heavy snack like crackers instead of healthy nuts.

Nutritional value (1 oz):

Calories: 164

Fat: 14,36g

Protein: 6.03g

Carbohydrates: 5.06g

5) Blueberries

Sweet, nutritious and many people’s favorite fruit, blueberries are low in calories and do wonders for your health. Their most important feature is the extremely high level of antioxidants, which protect your body from free radicals, or in other words, any molecules that can damage your cells and contribute to the aging process and they do so by benefiting aging neurons, leading to improvements in cell signaling. They also protect you from various diseases as well, from heart disease to cancer, and have anti-inflammatory features as well. Thanks to their big amounts of anthocyanins (a type of antioxidant), consuming a cup of blueberries each week can lower your blood pressure and speed up your metabolism. When selecting berries, keep in mind that the darker they are, the more antioxidants they have. Apart from these miraculous antioxidants, blueberries are also high in potassium and vitamin C, so make delicious cakes, smoothies or just grab them as an afternoon bite on regular basis and you’ll notice positive effects in no time.

Nutritional value (per cup):

Calories: 83

Fat: 0.48g

Protein: 1.07g

Carbohydrates: 21.01g

6) Spinach

It seems that Popeye may have been onto something when he chose spinach as his favorite food. This dark green leafy vegetable hides a pile of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds, and vitamins essential for good vision and bone health. How is that, you may ask? For starters, spinach is well-known for its high levels of vitamin A whose carotenoids promote vision and healthy eyes, while calcium and vitamin K in a single cup of cooked spinach is 12% of the recommended dose necessary to prevent bone loss. Moreover, spinach’s glycolipids help prevent tumor development and galactolipids are responsible for the prevention of inflammatory diseases. Now, good news for asthma sufferers – spinach abounds in folate which plays a major role when it comes to sneezing as it was proven that people with lower levels of folate in their blood are more likely to suffer from sneezing and later on, asthma. Spinach also has high doses of other asthma-fighting nutrients, such as vitamins C, E and B6, and magnesium.

Nutritional value (per cup):

Calories: 7

Fat: 0.12g

Protein: 0.86g

Carbohydrates: 1.09g

7) Salmon

Salmon is one of the healthiest fish, it contains a healthy dose of omega-3 fatty acids which lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. But this fish, however, does a lot more than just good to your heart. These acids have also been contributed with protecting against UV-induced skin damage – but it still doesn’t mean you can replace your sunscreen with salmon. It looks like this fish has both the heart and brain covered as an omega-3 fat found in salmon called DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) is related to cognitive function boost, especially among middle-aged adults, and proven to strengthen the immune system. Salmon also has high amounts of L-tryptophan, an amino acid which body needs in order to make melatonin, essential for a good night’s rest, and calcitonin, a protein that promotes healthy bones and joints. This fish is best enjoyed when it is moist and tender, so avoid overcooking it in order not to lose any of its nutritional values.

Nutritional value: (1 medium steak)

Calories: 166

Fat: 6.72g

Protein: 24.52g

Carbohydrates: 0g

8) Avocado

We can agree avocado has become extremely popular lately. Mostly because of its particular taste and nice texture, the possibility it can be added to many recipes and its quite exotic look. But that’s not why avocado is considered a superfood – it owns a lot of nutrients and antioxidants, such as magnesium proved to benefit the proper functioning of the nervous system, potassium essential for healthy muscles, fiber which maintains bowel regularity, omega-3, folic acid, and lutein. Avocado is rich in A, C, D, E, K vitamins and B group vitamins as well. How good is that? Despite being a greasy fruit, most of its grease is omega-3 fat, which is known to benefit on cholesterol reduction and heart disease prevention. This awesome plant stimulates the immune system and improves healthy skin and hair thanks to high levels of E vitamin, while vitamin D is responsible to keep our bones strong.

Nutritional value (1 piece):

Calories: 322

Fat: 29.47g

Protein: 4.02g

Carbohydrates: 17.15g

9) Mushrooms

Used for centuries for their powerful healing benefits, low in calories and rich in antioxidants and vitamins – that sums it up why mushrooms are a superfood. From Japanese shiitake and white buttons to different dried varieties, there are many reasons to start consuming mushrooms on a daily basis. This food contains a high amount of vitamin D essential for a strong immune system and healthy bones, especially after being exposed to sunlight, it is also a great source of calcium necessary for healthy bones and osteoporosis prevention and of B vitamins that promote a healthy nervous system. As if that wasn’t enough – mushrooms have other miraculous features, e.g. Cordyceps boost your energy level, Reishi helps control stress, Chaga has anti-aging and skin benefits, etc. As a natural diuretic, mushrooms improve the lymphatic system, so they’re perfect for everyone suffering from water retention and what’s best about them – they don’t lose any of their nutritional values if dried or cooked.

Nutritional value (per cup):

Calories: 15

Fat: 0.24g

Protein: 2.16g

Carbohydrates: 2.3g

10) Eggs

You can never go wrong with eggs – they are perfect for any part of the day. As a complete protein, eggs contain all the necessary amino acids that our body uses in order to build cells, tissues, and muscles. Thanks to their high level of choline, eggs help liver function and transport other nutrients throughout the body. It is also important to mention that eggs contain no gluten, carbohydrates or sugar – how awesome is that? The nutritionists recommend one egg a day for the maximum benefit from vitamin D, vitamin B12, selenium, and the aforementioned choline. Eggs also play an important role in dieting, as one egg is really low in calories and keeps you full for at least a few hours. Also, eggs prevent insomnia, keep your eyes healthy, lower blood pressure and are good for your hair and nails, so what’s there not to like?

Nutritional value (1 piece):

Calories: 70

Fat: 4.97g

Protein: 6.26g

Carbohydrates: 0.38g


Green tea – delays aging, boosts immunity, reduces cholesterol levels, helps weight loss, detoxifies the body Kefir and yogurt – aids in digestion, good in case of diabetes and lactose intolerance, boost immunity and heart health Kombucha – detoxifies the body, improves digestion, promotes weight loss, protects the liver, maintains cholesterol levels Coconut water – rehydrates the body, improves digestion, has antimicrobial properties, treats cholera, maintains heart health Matcha – provides relaxation, a rich source of antioxidants, detoxifies the body, boosts energy, prevents cancer
Kale juice – benefits hair and skincare, promotes weight loss, reduces inflammation, lowers blood pressure, improves bone health Lemon water – relieves sore throat, prevents kidney stones, reduces calorie intake, improves liver health and digestion, relieves constipation Pomegranate juice – improves bone health, prevents cancer, treats Alzheimer’s, reduces anemia, delays aging, prevents hair loss Cranberry juice – fights age-related oxidative damage, treats infections, has antitumor effects, improves post-menopausal health Beet juice – regulates blood pressure, controls diabetes, prevents cancer, prevents osteoporosis, boosts energy and sex drive

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